Single Parents Organization
Social WorkerSingle Parents Organization is a non-governmental organization that aims to help single parents who have no support.Our activities include helping
With a full package of happiness, more than 201 families in Kamonyi District, Kayenzi Sector,
It helps people become better citizens, get a better-paid job, shows the difference between good
Even with the best intentions, our kids are exposed to germs every day. This is
When considering poverty in the developing world, many people feel deep sorrow but conclude that
Poor sanitation has detrimental impact on health. Poor sanitation leads to spread of diarrheal diseases such as schistosomasis
Today, the charity helps people get access to safe water and sanitation through affordable financing
Fighting for a cause means actively working towards achieving a particular goal or resolution that aligns
The Single Parents Organization (S.P.0), helped about 120 parents from Mwirute Cell, Rukoma Sector, Kamonyi
Single Parents Organization is a non-governmental and non-profit organization. This organization does various activities in